Merrimack Mediation

Remote Divorce Mediation - Complete Most of Your Divorce From Home!

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Were You Thinking About Divorce Before Coronavirus, But Now Feel Like You're Stuck?

Remote divorce mediation can do more than get you started.

Being quarantined or cooped up inside with a spouse for an extended period of time is hard enough for a good marriage. The stress of working from home, remote schooling, preparing all the meals every day; it adds up for all of us.

Compound that with the potential financial strain brought on by layoffs, hour reductions, pay cuts, or diminishing retirement funds, and those in not-so-strong marriages can attest that it can be a nightmare for one or (more likely) both of you.

Prepare Now and Beat the Rush Later

Of course, even if you were ready to complete a divorce right now, the courts are effectively closed, making it near impossible (there are exceptions for situations involving domestic violence). Of course, that doesn't mean you can’t start planning and starting the process. Attorneys are expecting to be quite busy when social distancing restrictions are lifted, and the corresponding backlog in the courts are expected to follow. Couples or individuals that start the process now will be better prepared when the courts open back up.

Peace of Mind from Knowing the Process Has Started

Simply knowing that the process has begun could even make being stuck together more bearable with a light at the end of the tunnel. In many cases, the stress and anxiety of feeling stuck intensifies the conflicts and emotions in a strained marriage. Coming up with a plan and starting the process can lift some of that burden, making it easier to just be around one another.

Even if the desire to start the divorce process (or divorce at all) seems at first one-sided, the best course of action for both sides is to find a way to hear your partner’s point of view, and come to a mutual understanding that a divorce is coming eventually, and the sooner it starts, the easier it will be for everyone.

Remote Sessions Mean You Can Divorce During Social Distancing

In these days of social distancing, divorce mediation is an ideal choice because the process can be done remotely. I’m certain you’ll be surprised by how much real progress can be made on your divorce with just a few (two or three) remote mediation sessions. Imagine what it would be like to have some answers to your questions and start structuring what your lives will be like post-divorce.

Starting the Remote Divorce Mediation Process

The first step anyone can do during quarantine – just fill out the contact form or call me. I can answer some of your questions and discuss the process for coordinating an online meeting with all three of us. You and your spouse can be in the same location / connected at one computer or you can be in completely separate locations. In some cases, being in separate locations is helpful since it requires each party to take turns speaking.

We will connect using Zoom. A meeting password is used to ensure the meeting is private and encrypted. You can connect with a video camera or without, but I think it’s more effective if everyone is connected using video. In as few as three sessions, you could have the bulk of the divorce process behind you, making it easier to move forward in these difficult days.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Take two minutes to learn about the Divorce Mediation process and how it can save considerable time, emotional pain, and money compared to a traditional divorce.

Remote Divorce Mediation Call ( 978-250-4980)

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