Merrimack Mediation

Thoughts on Divorce from Merrimack Mediation

/Thoughts On Divorce

Federal Law Changes Affect Divorce Finances

The federal tax law enacted in December of 2017 is almost 280 pages long (continuing the American tradition of making tax loss complicated). It contains some provisions that will have a significant impact on the finances and agreements formed by people getting divorced. Read more to learn how these changes could affect you.

Divorce Preparation Checklist

1 Hire an attorney

2 Get a copy of your credit report

3 Organize your financial

4 Get clarity about debt
5 Set up separate bank accounts

6 Store your valuables in  a safety                       deposit box and notify your                              spouse in writing

7 Get a cell phone, email address,                        etc. in your own name

8 Don’t do anything you will regret                    later!

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