Merrimack Mediation

Divorce Mediation Can Work For You!

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Why Mediation?

It's faster, private, less confrontational, & more affordable.

Mediation provides the most positive, equitable outcome for both spouses.

When a couple is directly involved with creating the terms of their own divorce, the agreement is more durable, and results in less bitterness.

Mediation helps create a more stable relationship between the spouses, which can also benefit their children by sparing them unnecessary stress.

Choose An Experienced, Trusted Mediator

Not just any mediator will do! We are trained, impartial divorce mediators who have helped hundreds of couples structure their divorce for less money and less emotional stress than a confrontational, litigated divorce.

Although a divorce can be a highly emotional time, and can sometimes bring negative feelings, our mediators enjoy the mediation process, being able to turn something that can be otherwise negative, into a positive process.

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Why Balancing Power Works

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